On a trip to the Badlands of South Dakota we stopped at Cedar Pass Lodge in the Badlands National Park where we had yummy Indian Fry Bread. It was so good that I purchased a box of WoodenKnife Indian Fry Bread Mix to try and make it at home.
The mix had a long shelf life (2 years), but I could not wait any longer…fry bread and Indian Tacos were calling my name. Without thinking, I decided to use the entire 1.5 pound box. It made more than a dozen meal sized servings. (They were super easy to make). Luckily, the dough lasts well in the refrigerator a couple of days. So, we were able to eat Indian Fry Bread for multiple meals. It was as good (if not better) as what we ate at Cedar Pass Lodge.
However, it has left me without any WoodenKnife Indian Fry Bread mix It is a good thing I can order more via the company’s website.
WoodenKnife Indian Fry Bread Mix is made in Interior, South Dakota, which is just outside of one of the
gates to the Badlands National Park. According to their website, Ansel WoodenKnife started the company after getting requests to market the fry bread mix he served in a his cafe. I am happy he did.
The woman who checked me out when I bought the mix warned me that I needed to purchase more as it was addictive. She was right. I think a warning that one box is just not enough should be on the box or at least the shelf
Where can I buy this product, in milwauee, wisc. Tried it up north lovedit, I would purchase it if I could find it here, please help.thank you
Hi Irene! I am not sure if you can buy the WoodenKnife Mix in Wisconsin, but I did see that there is an Indian Summer Festival in Milwaukee on Sept 6, 7, and 8, 2013 where they sell fry bread. To find out more click here. Also you can order the Woodenknife mix from their website…just click here.
Never heard of it