Super easy. Very tasty. My mom often made this salad. A true Waldorf salad contains walnuts. I use pecans, thus I call it a Waldorf-ish Salad. I also don’t measure anything in this salad. I think you should add the ingredients to taste.

Simple Food. Good Ideas. Great Fun.
by paula
Super easy. Very tasty. My mom often made this salad. A true Waldorf salad contains walnuts. I use pecans, thus I call it a Waldorf-ish Salad. I also don’t measure anything in this salad. I think you should add the ingredients to taste.
by paula
I love chicken, but I also love quick meal preparation as well. I do not love precooked, frozen chicken’s taste or price. I used to love buying rotisserie chickens for the same price as raw. I also loved that they tasted better than what I made at home for cold chicken recipes. I used them for […]
by paula
Muscadine grapes are just coming in season. If you live outside of the Southeast United States, you may never have had a fresh muscadine. Although they apparently grow in the wild throughout a wider area, they are only grown commercially in the southeastern United States.They thrive in the heat and humidity of the summers and […]