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Sweet Potato Casserole with Pecan Topping

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I buy sweet potatoes by the bushel.  Seriously, I have recently purchased my second nearly bushel box of sweet potatoes.  I think apples and oatmeal are the only other foods that we purchase in as large or larger quantities on a regular basis. I will tell you about the oatmeal sometime…it requires a separate post. 🙂 Most of the time, I try and make healthy dishes like Grilled Baked Sweet Potatoes, Sweet Potato, and Lentil Hash, or Maple Glazed Roasted Sweet Potatoes.  However, I love to splurge every once in a while and make sweet potatoes into a side dish that could easily be called a dessert.  Today I made one of those decadently delicious sides, Sweet Potato Casserole with Pecan Topping.

sweet potato souffle casserole

It is a classic sweet potato dish that my mom did not make.  I have had a similar version, which I helped make, at my sister’s house last year.   I have also had versions of this dish at church potlucks. After running across a couple of recipes for it in a compilation cookbook, I decided to give it a try on my own…with a few changes.  I love cinnamon and neither recipe called for cinnamon.  I also decided to experiment with a few of the listed ingredients. The result is a divinely decadent side dish that is very similar to other versions.

I am inclined to describe this dish as a sweet potato souffle with a praline topping.

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