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Strawberry Soup

My seven-year-old daughter wanted to enter a soup/stew contest that they were having at church. Although she wanted to create her own recipe using some avocados I just bought, my husband talked her into making a recipe for cold strawberry soup he found somewhere on the Internet. She loves strawberries…so she agreed.

They had to make some changes to the recipe because we did not have any strawberries frozen in syrup. If I buy commercially frozen strawberries, they are the ones frozen whole without any sugar. Why? This way I control the amount and type of sweetener used with the berries. The solution was simple..add sugar to the strawberries.

Although this recipe calls for frozen berries, fresh berries would work. You’ll just need to macerate them with sugar and blend them longer than the frozen berries.

strawberry soup

This picture is from a batch that my husband made a few days later to use the rest of the cream. It was good, but my daughter’s was better 🙂 I was unable to get a picture of her’s after the competition…it was all gone.

She won third place! She was very happy that she was the only young person who competed and that she only lost to the minister and her mom.

Although it is nice as a refreshing dessert soup, it would also be great as a sauce over berries, angel food cake, etc.


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