On Route 21, just outside of Charleston, West Virginia is a small hot dog stand called Skeenies. They have been a favorite of mine since I was six years old.
My parents started taking me to an allergy specialist in Charleston when I was six after I had some major allergy issues. It was before the Interstate was finished, so part of the trip was spent travelling Route 21. Stopping at Skeenie’s was my treat for the long trip.
There hot dogs were wonderful.
Today, the Interstate is complete. It by-passes Skeenies and the many other businesses that used to be on Route 21. However, Skeenies has not changed much. They used to be called Skeenies Weenies. The building looks a little different. Their parking lot is now paved, but their hot dogs are still as yummy as I remember.
I still do not like hot dog sauce made by anyone other than my mother or my sister, so I can not speak for how the sauce (aka. chili) tastes. I can say that the quality of the hot dog itself is still wonderful. They are served in soft buns.
I am 99.99% certain their slaw was homemade. I am picky about slaw and theirs was divine.
They may not be the prettiest hot dogs, but they make up for looks in how they taste. The building and area you find them in may not be the prettiest to look at either, but they are worth the short trip off the Interstate.
Based on the number of cars/customers there in the middle of a rainy Sunday afternoon the last time I was there, many people think these hot dogs are delicious.
My grandson is addicted to hot dogs, and when he comes to grandma’s I always have to make him hot dogs, kinda cute. Wonder what he will request when he is a bit older.
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I would love to have a good hot dog sauce recipe. I have been searching for years!!! I like the sauce at the Davis Drive Inn (Parkersburg) and the old Dairy Queen in Pt. Pleasant. Anyhow, you’ll have to send me a good recipe to try or post one on here!
I am hungry for one of those hot dogs from Stewart’s with a big frosty mug of root beer. YUM!!!
I loved my mom’s hot dog sauce. She never measured anything, and I tend not to either. So my best guess on a recipe is:
1 lb ground beef
1 onion, or dried equivalent
1 teaspoon dried mustard
1/2 cup or more Ketchup
1 can kidney beans drained and pureed or 1 can condensed tomato soup
1 Tablespoon vinegar
2 Tablespoon brown sugar
Brown and drain ground beef and onion (if not using dried). Add mustard, ketchup, and pureed beans or soup and bring to a boil. Then add vinegar and brown sugar. Cook on medium high for approx. 15 minutes or until sauce becomes more translucent.
Me too I grew up in Huntington nd my sister lives almost across the street from Frostop.
I have live in New York all my adult life and miss those hotdogs. Will try the recipe
I remember the Frostop! I liked to go to the Baskin Robbins in that area when driving home after walking in Ritter Park. I can’t believe those were my extremely skinny years
Thanks for the recipe–can’t wait to try it. Pureed kidney beans? Really? I have a cookbook that’s nothing but hot dog sauces (yes, I really do love them and no, I haven’t found “the” one yet) and I don’t remember any with puree beans. Maybe that’s the ingredient I’ve been looking for!
Thanks again–
The last recipe that I tested had shredded cabbage in it, simmered on the stove then put in the oven for another hour.
I’m a Casting Producer for Shed Media and we’re currently casting a docu-series for TLC about ADULTS with unusual eating habits or perhaps a certain food addiction. Are you a fussy eater? Are you addicted to one specific food item? Do your friends and family think your eating habits are out of control? If so, you may be just what we are looking for!
The audition process is private and simple. I can assure you that the purpose of this show is not to expose or embarrass anyone, but rather to serve as a tool for participants and viewers. We have a team of qualified experts who use a number of techniques to help the person overcome their emotional and physical problems to develop a healthier diet.
For more information or to recommend a particular person, please contact Rebecca @ 323.904.4680 ASAP.
Thanks again for your help and support, I look forward to hearing from you!
Rebecca Greenberg
Shared! I’m pretty sure a few friends would like to read this, Paula.