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Quick and Easy Chicken Pot Pie

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Sometimes when I want warm comfort food, I don’t want to spend a lot of time or energy making it. Chicken (or turkey) pot pie is a great dish on these occasions. It is one of those dishes that you can make totally from scratch that day, use some items you’ve pre-made, use mostly store-bought ready-made ingredients, or a combination of the three.

I use a combination of all three. I cooked a whole chicken in advance in my pressure cooker and stored the meat in my refrigerator for a couple of days (I freeze it if I’m not going to use it for a few days or weeks). However, I could have bought a rotisserie chicken at my local club or grocery store and used it instead.

I used store-bought packaged stock and biscuits. I could have still had a quick chicken pot pie if I had made my own stock and pie crust in advance and froze them.

When making this recipe you can easily intermix whatever from-scratch and store-bought ingredients that suit your needs and add ingredients that suit your taste.


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