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Pumpkin Ice Cream

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Inspired by the delicious small-batch pumpkin ice cream at Clumpies in Chattanooga, I decided to make my own pumpkin ice cream for Thanksgiving.  Despite my winging the recipe, it turned out great!  Dare I say it…I think it may have even been better than Clumpies.

Frankly, I think I like it better than pumpkin pie (granted it needs mounds of whipped cream to really make it better because the whipped cream is my favorite part of pumpkin pie). Plus, it cost me less than making a pumpkin pie.  Now, I just have to come up with a dairy-free version for my husband 😉


pumpkin ice cream


To make it I just started with my standard vanilla ice cream recipe and added pumpkin and spices while cutting back on the vanilla.  I use pasteurized eggs, so if you don’t have them available you will need to heat the base to 165 to 170 degrees F and allow it to cool before adding the pumpkin and putting it in the ice cream maker.


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