I do not pay more than two dollars for a box of cereal…unless my husband is at the grocery store with me. He purports to not like “flaked” cereal, thus he is always putting some type of granola in the cart. Except on a rare occasion, the granola is much more than two dollars a box even if I do have a coupon.
My sister made the situation worse when she found him a granola from England at an unusual grocery store near her home. He loved it, and we are now able to buy it locally…at more than six dollars for a fairly small box!
Thus, I set out to make granola that would be better tasting than most of it you find at the store, at least as healthy, and much cheaper.
After much research, I came to a few conclusions about homemade granola:
1. It is easy to make.
2. It is very easy to customize to your individual taste and price point.
3. It is cheaper than the boxed granola.
4. It needs stored in an air tight container.
I have actually made it a couple of different ways. The must haves include oats, canola oil, and salt.
How did I do? It is tasty, it is healthy, and it has a low per batch price. In fact, I made about 800 grams of granola for just under three dollars compared to over six dollars for 600 grams of the English granola.
The homemade granola is now my husband’s favorite. Of course, I still can’t keep a box of blueberry Special K without him eating it…there is a comment about flakes here but I am just going to leave it alone:)
Hahaha! Ahhhh, men! What flakes! Looks like you’ve cracked the code on granola! We uy Bob’s Red Mill granola and Mueslix and it’s pricey … but I get it at a discount store so the pain isn;t quite so bad … on occasion, I do make SB granola … think I’ll try your recipe and see what he thinks!