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Coconut Macaroons

I love coconut macaroons, but I always bought them. This was my first attempt to make coconut macaroons. Turns out, they are fairly easy and very delicious.

As they were not part of my family recipe collection or experience, they required some research. First, I went through many of my cookbooks, then I checked for Internet recipes and watched YouTube videos. Second, I started to pull my hair out at the multitude of variations… Finally, I combined what I thought worked best from Martha Stewart, Kraft, Eagle Brand, and some YouTube video I watched to develop my own version.

Yes, I realize that it seems like a crazy thing to do considering my lack of experience baking them, but I lacked some of the ingredients for one version I liked and wasn’t sure about the proportions on another…Thus, I am crazy.

Know what is crazier? The fact that it worked. They turned out to be very delicious and have my daughter’s stamp of approval.


Do not have any emulsion on hand? It can be purchased in a variety of specialty shops, craft stores, and online.

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